Thrivespan™ is an accessible and integrative approach to living a long, meaningful, and successful life—supported by the three tenets of Purpose (non-goal-oriented), Success (goal-oriented), and longevity (healthspan)—always in balance, at every stage of our lives.
The goal and endgame here is that we stop focusing on numerical lifespan and instead celebrate and value our Thrivespan™ at every stage of our very long lives.
This is an open and accessible resource for everyone. No matter your age, education, or economic level, you deserve access to easily understood information you actually can implement in your own life.
Lifespan is the time we are breathing with a heartbeat—not necessarily living. Healthspan is an evaluation of how healthy we are throughout life—that's the better measurement when looking at our health, but does not fully define our full potential and humanity. We are more than biological creatures trying to extend our days on earth.
Thrivespan™ is the unit of measurement that takes into consideration how we are truly living with deep purpose, in the moment, igniting our successes and aspirations, and unlocking our true health well into our 90s and beyond.
This is not about surviving through life. It's not about striving to live longer—it's about projecting ahead where we want to be at 90 and then looking back from there. It's not all about the future—it is about truly living in each moment now, which also makes our future life all the better.
Thrivespan is aspirational and inspirational, but not unobtainable. This is for real people–the new mom trying to balance it all, the 30-year-old stuck in his job, the over-achiever looking for her next accomplishment, the newly divorced mom or dad, parents of teens, the ex-athlete who has let himself go, the CEO who longs to connect with her kids, the empty-nester who has never exercised a day in her life, the new retiree... and on and on. You get it—real people with real lives.
Every one of us deserves a life of meaning and purpose. Every one of us deserves the longevity to be able to see and play with our grandkids and great-grandkids.
An inspiring Thrivespan is for everyone. Sign up below for free information on ways to thrive with easy, everyday tips for enhancing purpose, success, and longevity to help you live a healthier, more successful, and meaningful life.